What is a GPSG Advocacy & Professional Development Grant?
The GPSG Advocacy Grant program was established to provide financial assistance to graduate and professional students who want to participate in advocacy conferences with the goal of disseminating the information learned to their respective school and/or the graduate student body at large.
Students are eligible for up to $2,000 to cover the cost of expenses associated with attending the conference.
Submit Application to GPSG
1. Before you attend your conference, please completely fill out this form:
2. Supplemental Documentation Needed for Application:
Note: Applicants must have at least 2 letters of recommendation one of which must be a letter of institutional support. Up to 3 letters can be submitted. The following letters are acceptable:
Letter of Institutional Support (Required)
Please provide a letter of support from either your department, graduate school, graduate student government organization, or intended administration contact person. This letter should indicate how the university is aware of your intended project, and how they will help support the project in its success
Advisor Support
Please provide a letter of support from your academic advisor. This letter should indicate their awareness of your application and project, and how this grant would help you either academically or professionally.
Peer Support
Please provide a letter of support from a peer. For example, this letter can be from a graduate or professional student from the university, or from a colleague that you are working with outside of the university. This letter should be a recommendation of how your work will help benefit to other graduate and professional students, or to a larger community.
3. Email your GPSG Travel Grant application and supplemental documentation to or send it to our office at 825 William Pitt Union. The application must be completed and submitted during the first ten days of the month following your conference. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
After Application Submission:
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Applicants will be notified on the status of their application via email.
As this is a pilot program, funding in the form of reimbursement (student pays first and submits receipts to be refunded) or payment (expenses paid for) will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Recipients must disseminate information from conference in a timely manner.