2025 - 2026 Executive Board
Call for Candidates
The University of Pittsburgh Graduate and Professional Government is seeking candidates to fill the GPSG Executive Board offices for the 2025 – 2026 Academic Year, with positions beginning May 2025.  This opportunity is open to all currently enrolled University of Pittsburgh graduate students regardless of prior experience in student government or graduate student organizations.  Officer positions are eligible to receive a stipend, contingent upon University policy.
Available positions include President, VP of Committees, VP of Communications, VP of Finance, and VP of Programming. 
Applying to be a Candidate
Important Dates
Call for Candidates:
January 31st – March 1st (tentative)
Virtual Info Sessions:
To be Announced
Campaign Week:
To be Announced
To be Announced
Notification of Results:
To be Announced
To qualify as a candidate, you must be enrolled in graduate or professional school at the University of Pittsburgh during the Spring 2025 semester.
To apply, you must submit the following materials via email [gpsg@pitt.edu] no later than March 1, 2025:
Candidate Biography
Tell us about yourself: school, undergraduate university, and leadership experience
Brief Candidate Statement
Please tell us about your plans for what you will do in this position
Candidate Picture
The combined length of the candidate statement and candidate biography must be 500 words or less.  The statement, biography, and picture will be displayed on the candidate pages on the GPSG website.  The brief candidate statement will be displayed on the voting page.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to GPSG@pitt.edu